Thursday, November 6, 2008

Fall in Blacksburg

This weekend, Sarah, Leah and I went to visit our beloved Anne Parker in Raleigh and we had such a great time together at Roomie Reunion 08. (This means that we must have 09, 10, and so on, just FYI girls, though I know you wouldn't complain). So we got to their new home on Halloween, which prevented costumes this year, which actually I wasn't that upset about. Originally I thought it would be fun if Jordan and I dressed up together, but knowing him, he probably wouldn't have been too keen on the idea anyway! On Saturday in Raleigh we went shopping and had sushi, which was perfect since we just 
got to talk ALL day! Then we watched a classic that night with JM: Hook! It was a short visit, but so worth it. I think with all that's happened and changed this year we needed a time to catch up and get everything out. I didn't take many pictures (actually I am pretty sure JM took all of these!) but here is what I've got:

My sleepmate this weekend - first weekend away from Jordan. Thanks for cuddling with me Sarah!!!

the happy couple :)

love us

Last night I had about 15 freshmen girls in our house for a fall party we threw. I had all of the girls in my Bible study each bring a few freshmen and it turned out well. I think I now know all 15 of their names! I wish I had thought to take pictures...I was so busy trying to make sure they were all taken care of! We played lots of apples to apples and catch phrase and then, depressed, watched the election updates. haha. But really, I am going to have to support Obama because he is going to be our next president and I love America, so I have made a decision today to respect him, at least until he proves me wrong with some major bad decision. Of course I hope that never happens though. 

Fall in Blacksburg is absolutely GORGEOUS! Jordan and I were driving home from campus the other day (separately) and he made me stop to look at this amazing yellow tree on Preston. It was incredible. I took a picture.

Okay well it's late and I'm going to go to bed since we have staff meeting in the morning with the boss' boss. Should be fun. :) Enjoy the pretty weather while it lasts!

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