Sunday, January 25, 2009

can it get any worse?

Over the past few weeks I've been following the conflict between the group of Islamic militants - Hamas - in the Gaza Strip and the Israeli army. Regardless of what side is right or wrong, it has been overwhelming for me to hear and read direct accounts of the horrors children and young adults and witnessed this month there. No one should have to go through things like that! Recently, thousands of children have returned to schools across the Strip. The BBC posted a video showing exactly the conditions these children must face now, with their destroyed school in the background, they must learn in tents amidst so much wreckage. My heart just breaks as I think about how dreadfully easy my life is here, and how often I complain nonetheless. I spend my time worrying about tv shows, what to cook for dinner, my ever-changing friendships, and whether or not I want to do laundry. They've been fearing for their lives, wondering when they can leave their houses to get bread or maybe a little produce for their families, or grieving the losses of young family members or parents. It really just makes me shake my head and want to burst into tears because I don't see how the world can get much worse...and then I just become scared for when it really does get bad here...and I worry for my future children and wonder what their lives will look like at my age...and then I just can't help but wait anxiously for Jesus to return. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Read Through the Bible in a Year

This year I have committed to read through the Bible in a year. I got off to a good start on January 1st, but now that it's January 22nd, I am playing catch up. I've almost gotten through Genesis, which is where I should be, as of yesterday. The best tools I've found to help me in this endeavor are the ESV reading plans...which are offered at Once you get into the website you can click on Reading Plans, which gives you tons of options of reading plans, plus it will email you the chapters you are supposed to read each day!! (This is what I use). You can also get a podcast delivered to your iTunes every day or just print out a listing to follow each day. How cool that technology can help bring us closer to our Lord!? 

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Holly Ball

These pictures are from Cru's annual Christmas dance. We had an awesome time this year dancing the night away.

This is the staff team (sans Dan's smile)
The beautiful Chez
My lovely Haley Booe

I am going to miss Elizabeth next semester!!
Here's one of Laura and I. I love this girl!
US :)
Some of my fabulous Bible study girls... Sarah and Nicole
At our house before the dance.

It's really sad that I'm just posting these seeing that this was hmm... December 7th?!?

The Experimental Jewelry Making!

In Blacksburg we have a store called Beadsburg. I went there once this past semester with a couple of the girls I disciple and we make some great earrings. However, it was way more expensive than it should have been! So, I set out to learn to make some things on my own and ended up deciding to make some for my friends for Christmas. :) Here were the results. Actually I forgot to take pictures of a couple. 

I made this to go with my purple graduation dress.

Graduation 2008

As much work as you put into college, you'd think that graduating would be a little more exciting. I guess not as much when you're already married and have a job. It was a nice weekend, my parents and grandmother came up, we had a little celebration together, and went out to lunch after the ceremony. It was nice, but sitting through 2 hours of names being called after yours is not really a great reward for completing 3 and a half years of schooling.

Here's the family picture we got - it was raining and sooo windy so we all look pretty awkward. I think my dad got slightly better pictures. At least we were color coordinated.

Happy at Olive Garden after the ceremony.

Just so you aren't overwhelmed - I am probably going to post a lot in the next few days to play catch up from the past month since so much happened!!