Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Life Update!

The last two weeks have been CRAZY! But I secretly love it.

To preface this, if you don't know, Jordan and I are moving to Australia for Stint (a one-year international assignment) to help build up the movements in Melbourne city center. Obviously this is a big change since we've spent our first 2 years married in the same apartment that we love in Blacksburg, VA. So, about a month ago, a man came to look at our apartment since we were trying to turn over the lease so we don't get stuck with rent for the rest of the year (through July). He really liked it and was living in a hotel, so he said he wanted it. We told him we couldn't move out just yet but moved up our time to move out mid-November. Then we set to helping him look for someone he could room with for a month since we know way more people here than he does. That was unsuccessful, so 2 weeks ago, we started talking with our boss and his wife (the Highfield's) about possibly moving out sooner. Lisa and I hashed out a plan for us live with them for 4 weeks until the end of the semester which put us moving out...October 24. We decided to just sleep on it and pray about it and talk to the man who wanted to rent. So on Wednesday last week we decided we were definitely doing it!! We just couldn't pass up someone who was ready and waiting to take our place and we just took it as a cue from the Lord that we were supposed to move out now!

This week we have been busy packing and getting boxes (people probably think we are drink a lot now because we have been to the ABC store for so many boxes - great place to go if you're ever moving). Today all the pictures and art and curtains and decorations all came off the walls and now our house is so echo-y and I hate it but I feel really confident in our decision. All our wonderful friends are helping us move on Sunday so we are kind of officially making the transition to Australia-mode!

Here is what I read in my devotional the day we decided to move out and I couldn't stop crying: (Written from Jesus's POV)
"Though I have brought many pleasures into your life, not one of them is essential. Receive My blessings with open hands. Enjoy My good gifts, but do not cling to them. Turn your attention to the Giver of all good things, and rest in the knowledge that you are complete in Me. The one thing you absolutely need is the one thing you can never lose: My Presence with you." So challenging but so comforting! I love how God know's just what I need.

Love Jessamyn

1 comment:

  1. ugh. SO good and true. Story of my life! Love it, great post Jess :)
